Sunday, July 25, 2010

Inside Out Simplicity

I recently won an advance free copy of an ebook. The only stipulation was that I write a review and post on my blog, which I am happy to do. The book is Inside-Out Simplicity by Joshua Becker of the Becoming Minimalist blog. Here is a description of the book from the blog:

The book, “Inside-Out Simplicity: Life-Changing Keys to your Most Important Relationships” is a 360 degree approach to a simplified lifestyle that goes well beyond the external fixes to our complicated lives and focuses on the heart issues required for a simplified life. It is based on the premise that a truly simplified lifestyle begins in a person’s soul. And it will help the reader find an inside-out simplicity by focusing on the key life-changing principles necessary in their most important relationships.

The book is short (109 pages) and can easily be read in an evening. I love the message this book, but I'm not sure that I would buy it, because most of the material can be found on Becker's website. Actually, purchasing another "thing" goes against the minimalist lifestyle (unless, of course, you can justify the need). Basically Becker points out that things can get in the way of having healthy relationships with friends, family, spouses, children and even God. Before I encountered the spirituality chapter, I remember thinking how much of the book had a religious slant, without actually mentioning religion. The chapter on "Why Our Words Matter" emphasizes kind and gentle words and the importance of being honest. Becker also discusses the problems of gossip and how it can damage relationships. The chapter on "Why Our Sexuality Matters" encourages committed relationships and portrays pornography, soap opera television, and romance novels as potentially damaging to the marriage relationship.

The chapter on "Why Our Spirituality Matters" was a pleasnt surprise. I thought it would focus on mediation, time alone to regroup, journaling one's thoughts and so forth. Instead, it focuses on a search for God.

There is nothing more central to your heart and soul than your view of God. And our view of God influences our daily lives in countless ways.

Becker goes on to say that Jesus led the "ultimate, simplified life." This goes along with some thoughts that I have had recently. I have started a journey to simplify my life and to also grow closer to God. As in all things, Jesus was/is the ultimate example. Becker lists out several reasons why following Jesus' example can lead to a "deeper, more simplified life." This section of the book was so refreshing to me. I had not viewed this work as a religious publication, but as it was, the central concepts are very much in line with the Bible. These thoughts re-enforced some ideas that had been spinning around in my own head.

Becker's book is not a "get organized, get rid of your stuff" book. Don't look for this book to be a "how to" book. It is more of a "why" book. Our reasons behind our actions is what drives them and if we have our reasons built on a firm foundation, our actions will have amazing results. Thank you, Becker for a wonderful, thought provoking work.

If you are interested in ordering the book, you can visit this link.

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