Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fall Ball

Ellen is playing softball for the first time. She had taken two years of dance previously, but last spring she watched John play T-ball and decided to quit dance and try softball. She is six and normally would have been eligible to play T-ball, but there weren't enough six year olds signed up to play, so she was placed on a team with seven and eight year olds. It is coach pitch, which means that the coach pitches to the batter. She gets five pitches, unless she strikes out first.

Ellen knew next to nothing about softball when she started. She has had to learn all of the basics, plus the rules of the game. She had to learn how to hold the bat, how to throw a ball, how to catch a ball, as well as what to do with it once she has the ball. She has progressed a lot. She was even awarded the game ball at the first game for most improvement.

Her little team has had some politics problems with the coaches, and they haven't won much, but the girls seem to be having a good time. Ellen never talks about the scores, but focuses more on what she did during the game. She always comes out of the dugout with a smile. She loves softball and is already asking to play again in the spring. It looks like I will be toting my lawnchair to many more games!
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1 comment:

Mary said...

You have such a cute family!