Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day 2010

This photo is of our new flag. I just hung it yesterday. It seems that I have to replace our flag about every year around July 4. I think I am more patriotic today than I have ever been. I don't know if it is as a result of being older and more appreciative or some other reason. Today I want to list some reasons why I love America. At first I had a hard time putting into words exactly why I love my country, so I admit I did a little research on what others had to say before compiling my own list. That's ok. The research gave me some good ideas and helped me to prioritize what was really important to me concerning my country

10 Reasons I Love the USA

1. Freedom of worship: We helped to pioneer this idea, starting with the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving
2. US Constitution: What started out as an experiment in government has evolved into the standard to which other governments are compared.
3. Democracy: Everyone has the right to vote. Most people on this planet still do not have this basic right.
4. Human achievement: Americans have led the way in so many ways, from breaking the sound barrier to building Hoover Dam to landing on the moon.
5. Diversity: Whether diversity of land, cities, or people; everyone can find a niche.
6. Ability to create wealth and drive the world's economy
7. Generosity: Americans individually and as a nation give more to charity than any other country
8. Advances in medicine: Americans have eradicated polio and TB, developed numerous vaccines, and pioneered chemotherapy, among other advances
9. Technology: from the light bulb, telephone, and television to the computer and internet; Amercans have led the way.
10. Entertainment: The world looks to our Hollywood for movies, television shows, and music
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really good sharing this.