Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bible Bowl 2010

Ellen participated in the area-wide Bible Bowl last year as a rising kindergartner. This meant that I had to do most of the reading and studying with her, as she couldn't read. She did ok and learned a lot. I thought that she had a great time, but when it came time to sign up for this year's team, she wasn't sure that she wanted to participate. She weighed the pros and cons--one of the pros being that she liked the snacks at practice! Snacks must have been very important, because she did decide to participate. This year the material is over the first 24 chapters of Exodus, which includes stories of Moses and the 10 plagues. I'm hoping that maybe she will understand the scripture a little better this year because she can read a little and she is a little older and more mature. At any rate, those ice cream sandwiches that Mr. Nick passes out at practice are a sure bribe with Ellen!
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