Friday, July 18, 2008

Google Reader

I have just discovered Google Reader! I have read blogs off and on, but it has never been a daily activity. I didn't have a good system to keep up with my favorites---until now! Wow! What a great system for keeping up with my faovirte blogs and when they are updated! Now, I don't intend for blogs to take over my life, but I view them little like I do magazines--a little quick information and entertainment. This has made me more excited about my own blog. I hope I can be better about updating it, so that maybe someone will want to add my blog to their Google Reader. Happy Reading!


Anonymous said...

Good words.

Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa, I just found your blog via Facebook and have enjoyed looking at some of your entries. Thanks for the hint about Google Reader. Had never heard of it, and will now begin using it!