Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lost Tooth!

Ellen lost her first tooth a few days ago! When we went to the dentist in early March, Dr. Whitefield said that it was beginning to get loose, but I couldn't feel it move. We more or less forgot about it until just the other night when Ellen said, "Mom, my tooth is loose." I felt it and it was really loose. I figured that it would come out this weekend. Well, she went upstairs and brushed her teeth and not ten minutes later it popped out! She was sooooo excited! She called Nana, who rushed over with Uncle Jeff's tooth fairy pillow (she didn't have one made for Ellen and I couldn't find mine). Meanwhile, the tooth fairy was scrounging around for some cash!

Ellen left her closet light on so that the tooth fairy could see (a good thing because her room was messy) and didn't put the tooth fairy pillow under her pillow. She slept with it right on top of her tummy. It was easy to find and the tooth fairy left her a baggie with $2.00 and some "jewels" (sequins) inside.

Ellen is now working on her next tooth!