Friday, January 2, 2009

Daily Pictures

This morning I was browsing the Two Peas message board and learned about a scrapbooking project that some are undertaking this year. It is called the 365 project and the best I can understand is that it involves taking a picture and journaling about it each day for a whole year. I think it is supposed to document everyday life. Seems like a neat idea, but I doubt that I would be able to keep up. Then, I read where some did this on their blogs. I thought, wow, now that is an interesting twist and it would help me to keep this blog updated. I'm going to give it a try. I might not do it every day, but it would be a nice goal to shoot for. Today's pictures are of Ellen and John playing with Moon Sand (curse-ed stuff!!). They both had Walmart gift cards from the great-grandparents to spend, so we made a trip this morning. John picked out two bulldozers, but Ellen just HAD to have this Moon Sand that all of her school friends have been talking about. It's like Play-Doh, but MUCH messier. I finally had to have them work with it inside of two Tupperware containers because it was crumbling and falling off onto the floor. It doesn't stay in clumps very well. I'd better earn big Mommy points for this one!

1 comment:

Regina Leeds said...

Hello Melissa,

I will be anxious to hear how you like "One Year to an Organized Life!"

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Happy New Year,

Regina Leeds