Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Classroom Progress

I thought I would take a few minutes to document the progress on my classroom. You may remember that I am moving to first grade for the new school year and I'm moving into a new classroom. Here is how it looked when almost all of the furniture had been moved out and the maintenance man had started stripping and waxing the floor:

Here is how it looks now. I've worked about 5 days on it. Mark came one of those days and helped me move the big stuff.
I still have to move the supplies in the cabinets and closet in my old room. I also need to finish going through books, videos and misc. supplies in the new room, as well as figure out what is in the filing cabinets. All of that is before I actually start working on getting ready for the year--putting stuff on the walls, putting away consumable supplies, writing lesson plans and so forth. I still have A LOT to do!

1 comment:

Totallyscrappy said...

Ooh, I just love getting the class ready! Looks like a great start.