Tuesday, July 29, 2008

No More Pacies!!

Well, John has made the transition to a BIG BOY!! Two days ago (Sunday) we were having lunch when the subject of the pacies came up. Mark asked John if he wanted to throw his pacies in the trashcan or if he wanted Daddy to do it. Naturally, John wanted to do it himself, so bye, bye pacies! I couldn't believe that he actually did it!! He has asked about them (with pitiful eyes) a few times since, but he hasn't cried after them. He's been falling asleep fairly quickly, but hasn't been taking as long naps. He's really trying, but he's taking it a little harder than Ellen did. The Easter Bunny took hers and she didn't give it a second thought. Still, I'm glad that hurdle is crossed. I didn't know how it would go. He was pretty attached to them.

Now, if we could get him to poop in the potty, we would be home free!

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